Do you support ASP, .NET, MSSQL and ColdFusion?

I'm sorry but currently our hosting servers are all Linux based and we do not support them.
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Which scripting languages do you support?

Currently we support PHP 4, PHP 5, CGI (Perl) and Ruby On Rails.

What kind of databases do you support?

All our hosting servers support MySQL & PostgreSQL.

How to enable PHP 5.3?

It is easy to enable PHP 5.3 in your web site:   Create a file .htaccess in the web folder...

How do I enable/disable PHP register_globals and safe_mode?

To enable/disable register_globals and safe_mode in your account, please Create a php.ini file...

What is the database hostname?

If your scripts are installed in our server, please use "localhost" as the database hostname. If...